Luca Beach
Anini Beaches
This portion of Lumahai Beach usually has plenty of parking (less if you have a sedan) and is right off the highway. The Lumahai Stream, on the left, is sometimes cut off from the ocean during the summer due to large deposits of sand. In this case, cooling off in the fresh water of the stream is an option. Kids love to play in the shallow and safe parts of the stream.
Large waves crash against a rocky bluff and send salty ocean spray into the air. It’s quite a sight to see. Walking on this beach is not without effort as the shoreline is steep and the sand a bit course. There is a small cave in the base of the cliff with nice sand, a great spot for wave watching.
Parking can be tricky here, since it’s not a parking lot, just a parking area. Watch for ruts and large roots.
On the east side of the rock out cropping is Kahalahala Beach, many times referred to as Lumahai Beach as well, however technically it’s not the same beach. To get to Kahalahala Beach park up the road, and take a short path down to the water.
Directions |
Right around mile marker 5 you will see an emergency call station, and a dirt lot. Some of the parking is in the trees, and some is on a sandy parking area closer to the river.
Parking in dirt and sandy lots are usually against most rental car agreements (in fact many say this beach is off limits, read the fine print). So be careful. Your life isn’t at stake, but your pocketbook might be. |
Safety |
Don’t Cross the Rocks Dangerous Conditions
The width of Lumahai Beach is said to vary as much as 360 feet with the seasonal movements of the sand from one end to the other. With steep shores, comes the danger of high surf, dangerous shore break and strong currents. There is protective reef so the ocean drops off very quickly. The nearby Lumahai River may rise drastically causing flash floods. This in combinations with the danger of rough waves which are most common during high surf (typically in the winter) makes even wading along the shore inadvisable. You may see body boarders or surfers enjoying this beach but when the surf is becomes even slightly rough, even the experts stay out of the water. Beware of rip tides and unseen currents.
Dangerous Rocks
Beware of standing on rocks at this beach. Large waves have been known to crush photographers and visitors taking photos unaware of the potential for injury.
Activities | Beach Strolls |
Facilities |
Address | Lumahai Beach |
Published on 03/08/2018 by Kauai Beach Scoop
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