Luca Beach
Anini Beaches
Safety |
All of Hanalei Bay including this beach may have large and dangerous surf especially during the winter months. Rip currents can form near shore and pounding shorebreak can make swimming hazardous. The area near Hanalei Pier is the most protected, although even this area can be too dangerous for swimming during a winter swell. During summer the conditions are typically very calm throughout the bay but use caution at all times of year. Beginning swimmers should stay close to shore, and never go in the water during times of high surf or rough seas. High surf generates a pounding shorebreak and powerful rip currents along the length of the beach that, over the years, have caused a number of drownings and neardrownings. Lifeguards are stationed at Black Pot Beach Park. Check with them before going in the water.
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Activities | Beach Strolls Body (Boogie) Boarding Stand Up Paddle Boarding (Surfing) Sunbathing Surfing Volleyball |
Facilities |
Adjacent Beaches |
Published on 10/07/2018 by Kauai Beach Scoop
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